- Do you want to come and play tennis with me? 来和我一起打网球,好吗?
- Do you play other games besides tennis? 除网球之外,你还进行其他的运动吗?
- Do you do aerobics or play tennis, or anything like that? 你是做有氧健身操还是打网球,或是其他类似的活动?
- Do you play on a company softball / baseball team? 你在公司垒球/棒球队打球吗?
- How do you play it with so much English? 你如何能打出那么多旋转球?
- When you play football,which position do you play? 踢足球时,你踢什么位置?
- What team do you play for there? 在那儿你为什么队打球?
- Do you know if he is still playing tennis these days? 你知道最近他还打不打网球吗?
- Do you play tag in the schoolyard? 你们在学校里玩捉人游戏吗?
- Which parts do you play (in the film)? 你(在电影中)扮演中哪个角色?
- Sure. Do you play baseball in school? 当然好啊!你在学校有没有打棒球啊?
- Do you play any instruments other than the drums? 除了鼓以外,你还会玩其它的乐器吗?
- When did you start playing tennis? 球龄一定不短了。
- Do you play any musical instruments? 你会弹奏任何乐器吗?
- Mitch:Did you hurt it playing tennis? 米契:你打网球受伤啰?
- Do you play other games online? RTS-Games? 你还玩其他游戏吗?
- How many sports do you play? Many, many sports. 你喜欢哪些运动?许多许多运动。
- How many times do you play soccer every week? 你一周踢几次球?
- How often do you play football? Once a week. 你们多久踢一次足球?一周一次。
- Yes, I do. Do you play classical guitar? 古典吉他音乐吗?